Tuesday 2 January 2018

Why should a firm have a biometric technology for their employees?

Every individual has their own physiological uniqueness; this includes iris, fingerprint and gait. However, the fingerprint is the one which is used the most. The idea of fingerprint scanning started back in the 70's. Since then many technologies has emerged and now, biometric is one of the must-have for a firm. This is because of the fact; fingerprints can be very well used for many purposes. Those can be well summarized below.

Why should a firm have a biometric technology for their employees? 
Fingerprints always play a great role, when it comes to any business or firm. With the emergence of technology, all the firms and organisations have changed their way of working, or you can say their functionality. The reason behind this is the implementation of fingerprints scanning in the firms.

The importance of fingerprints can well be summed up below:

Employee time theft control: Biometric scanners can be used to maintain the attendance record of the firm. This can be easily done by installing a biometric scanner in the office. An employee must place their thumb in the scanner, before logging in to their duties. This will help the firm to keep the records of the attendance timing of their employee. Thus, in this purpose, fingerprints often play vital role for the same.

Identification: Identifying an employee is the utmost important issue for all organisations. for this reason many firms install fingerprint analyser as the foremost tool to scan an individual. In this century, every Government Identification Card has your biometric details. So, in this case also, to have a clear knowledge about your employee, it is always best to have their fingerprint details. Once a firm gets the details of the fingerprints, they can now very well verify the personal details of the new employer.

Payroll Management: This can also be well manged with the help of fingerprint scanning. Once an employee gets their payment, he or she must sign their payslips. However, this process is a bit outdated, as there are some chances of frauds in the same. That is the reason fingerprint can play an immense role in this regard. As now, an employee has to place their thumb in the scanner to complete their payment process. After the emergence of fingerprint detection, many of these problems are easily solved within just a matter of time.

Customer Identification: Just like employee identification is important, this one should also be taken care off. This is because; your firm should have a fair idea about your customers. A firm do not want to sell some of their products, who can misuse the same. So, again fingerprints can be vital for the same.

Maintaining Confidentiality: This is just another important feature of fingerprints scanning system. This is because; each and every one has their own patter of fingerprint. So, if there is something confidential in your firm, and only a few employees can access to them, then one can very well install a biometric scanner just before the entry point of that restricted area. What this will do is, only the employees who have the permission to enter can only access with the help of their fingerprints.

Criminology: In case your firm got hit by a criminal, or there are some confidential papers, which are being theft from your office, the fingerprints of the criminal will be there in your workspace. Its due to even a minute touch will leave some of the criminal's fingerprint in your workspace. This can be pretty useful for the investigators to reach the goal of their enquiries.

It can be pretty well concluded that, fingerprints can be pretty useful for a firm. As it can well manage a few things including the staffs, their payroll management and many things like that.

About Author: Melissa Hankin is a blog writer and contributor to HubWorks. Melissa is in charge of content for Hubworks products which include: Zip Clock's payroll management. When she's not writing she enjoys researching workforce management, hiking, and photography.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9790890

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